African Music Academy

The African Music Academy announces the regional winners of its awards.

Founded in 2014 by a committee bringing together many of the most prestigious players in the music industry, the African Music Academy (AMA) is organising its first awards this year 2024.

"With the aim of representing the voice of this industry, these awards are presented to the winners by their own peers from the continent and the diaspora, starting with the professional organisations, mandated to nominate the winners in each of the six categories selected this year: songwriters, composers, lead performers, musicians, executive producers and managers," says Wally Badarou, President of the Academy.

For this first edition, 72 national winners were designated on 31 March, and are already de facto members of the Academy.

They in turn recently elected the regional winners. The results of their online voting were officially published on 15 May on the AMA website: .

"These regional winners will finally have to elect the overall winners from June 1, and the Academy will be able to announce the results from June 20," the website continues.

The Awards will be presented in person to each of the winners at events which, in consultation with the winners and the AMA's national delegates, the professional organisations will be able to choose the date and venue to suit everyone's diaries.