Generative AI, improving mental health, and collaboration bring authors’ rights society leaders and CIAM together in Seoul
CIAM International Women's Songwriting Camp in Rio de Janeiro - Photo Gallery
Creators unite over AI, gender equity, and sectorial support for CIAM General Assembly in Brazil
CIAM General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro - Photo Gallery
Improved metadata, unclaimed royalties and post-pandemic strategies: “change is in the air” at 2021 CIAM General Assembly
APMA celebrates increased cooperation between Macau and Lusophone countries at General Assembly and Executive Committee
Copyright buyouts to unite the world’s music creators at CIAM General Assembly in Budapest
CIAM expands footprint in Asia-Pacific with workshop and Executive Committee meeting in Japan
JASRAC to welcome CIAM to Tokyo for music creators workshop and meetings
Solange Cesarovna joins CIAM Executive Committee during meetings Cabo Verde meetings
Foundations for increased cooperation established at joint CIAM and CISAC African Committee meeting