The Copyright Royalty Board agrees to review and update mechanical royalties in United States

The US judges that oversee royalty rates in the United States, the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB), has published a statement following its review of a key royalty rate paid to songwriters and music publishers. It has rejected the proposal to “freeze” mechanical royalties on vinyl records, CDs and related uses of music that have been in place since 2006, and would have been in effect for an additional 5 years.

The Copyright Royalty Board judges have agreed to consider a new rate for 2023-2027 ,that may take into account the rise in inflation since the last rate was set in 2006.

CIAM President Eddie Schwartz said: “This is a very welcome development that proves once again the collective power we music creators have in standing together and speaking with a united global voice.” CIAM Partner Alliances Music Creators North America (MCNA) and around the world supported these lobbying efforts, and welcomed this decision.